We have been wanting to go to Disney World for some time now and this was the year. Since Tera was getting married and moving to Italy and Cassidy was graduating we wanted to do it before they both left. We decided to go for Winter break but didn't realize the weather would be so bad. Poor Jeff had to drive the first day in a snow storm pulling our trailer. We wanted to camp right at Disney World and what fun it was. It was so fun to be all together before our family dynamics change for good.
It was so fun to see all the characters. MiaBella's favorite were of course the Princesses. Jamir loves Woody and Kareem is in love with Mickey.
It was so much fun to have Tera with us. It has been a long time since all of us have been together on a big vacation.

This was one of the little ones favorite ride. As you can see the big ones liked it too!

We loved to close down the park each night. Fun times...
The costumes Jamir and Kareem are wearing were Jordan and Coltin's. We would go to Disneyland when they were little and they would where there costumes and watch the parade. This night we watch the electrical parade. Brings back so many memories when the kids were little. It was a great family vacation but I still love Disneyland better. Maybe because we have been there so many times or just that everything is all together and you don't have to go to three parks to see everything. But nothing compares to Disney!!!
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